The technology of Skyled air purifier makes use of the same processes used by plants to transform carbon dioxide into
oxygen through chlorophyll photosynthesis.
The photocatalytic process was discovered by the Japanese Akira Fujishma in 1972 and then was regulated by NASA to be
used in places where the maintenance of environmental sterilization was essential.
It was then studied and developed by hundreds of universities, as well as public and private research centers. It is a safe system to hinder pollution in confined spaces. From all these research and development studies, was born the technology used by SkyLed.
How does it work?
The natural oxidation process is not visible to our eyes, but the Skyled air purifier produces it constantly, 24 hours a day, as it happens in nature.
Electrons are released from the surface of the titanium dioxide catalyst (TiO2), when UV light illuminates it.
The electrons interact with the water molecules, which are present in the air, breaking them into hydroxyl radicals (OH), highly reactive, i.e. neutral forms (without charge) of hydroxide ions (OH).
These hydroxyl radicals attack the larger organic polluting molecules (carbon based), breaking their chemical bonds and turning them into harmless substances like carbon dioxide and water (CO2 + H2O).
Dimensions: ⌀126mm x h 175mm
Net weight: 1,95 kg
Materials: Stainless steel
Operating Power: 12 Vdc - 1,34 A
Power supply: 100/240 Vac - 50/60 Hz
Fan: Double speed fan
Supplementary sanitising tecnologies: Photocatalytic reactor: (UV LED + TiO2)
Protective filter: Washable
Consumption: max 16 Watt
Fan power: 46 m3/h
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Via E. Fermi, 16
31040 Gorgo al Monticano
Treviso - Italy
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